Mission Statement


The In Art Gallery is an online gallery and resource for artists in all ranges of careers to have a platform for exhibiting artwork and reaching a global audience. The In Art Gallery provides opportunity for artists to submit work in various mediums in an international juried competition. In a world in which travel restrictions and access to art are becoming limited, we are looking to create a space for artists to build their career with a professional experience. The In Art Gallery will hold several juried exhibitions throughout the year for artists to apply and build their resume and provide an affordable juried venue for artists to exhibit. We are looking to provide artists with an avenue to have their work seen by professional artists, professors, curators, and critics across the globe. The submission fee will cover the cost of jurying and website management. The In Art Gallery will also provide monetary awards to artists. It is within the galleries goals to collaborate with other establishments in a way to support arts in different communities. 

Founders: Haley Clancy Inyart & Joseph Jesse Ovalle

Questions or Concerns



What is my entry fee paying to?

Entry fees are paying the employees of The In Art Gallery to maintain and curate the site, the juror’s fee, supplement the awards, and to continue increasing the amount of awards as well as the monetary value. 

How many applicants are chosen?

Anywhere for 50-60 works are selected per exhibition. This may vary depending on amount of applicants.

Does The In Art Gallery have a physical location?

No, The In Art Gallery is an online gallery based out of Collinsville, Illinois. 

How are the jurors picked?

Currently the founders of the gallery are selecting jurors from across the United States at academic institutions, reputable galleries and critic’s familiar with contemporary and historical aspects of art. It is within the mission of the gallery to pick jurors that entrants would want to expose their work too. 

How does this show benefit me in terms of exposure?

The In Art Gallery’s mission is to provide an opportunity to show amongst artists of all levels and expose the work of the applicants to institutional figures globally. The ideal target audience is students and artists at different levels in their career, who are looking to build their resume and expose themselves to a juror with merit and who can become familiar with the applicants work. 

How can I guarantee a fair judgment of three-dimensional work?

The In Art Gallery does allow short 10 second video work and allows artists a total of three works to submit with one detail of each work. We understand work in the round can be difficult to capture in a photograph so we encourage artists to problem solve the documentation of the work, as this will assist them with other applications in the art world. 

How many works am I allowed to submit?

Each artist is allowed to submit three works and one detail of each work for $20.

How do I add this exhibition to my resume?

Here is an example of how to professionally display this (and any show) on your resume. 

Opening Show & Open Call, March Show. The In Art Gallery. www.theinartgallery.com Juror: TBA: Area Head and professor of University 

Can I get a deadline extension?

No, The In Art Gallery does not allow deadline extensions, most of our jurying process is the following day. 

What if I cannot pay the application fee and I want to apply?

The In Art Gallery permits five application waivers a month on a first come first serve basis. Please email: theinartgallery@gmail.com and provide a financial need statement of 100 words and why you deserve the waiver the day before the exhibition deadline. 

Can I submit video work?

Yes, we accept video work. Please send us a youtube link of your work that is no longer than five minutes.

Is this an international show?

Yes, this show is open to everyone internationally 

If I am not selected, are my entry fees refundable?

No, Entry Fees are non refundable.

If any further questions please reach out to us at: theinartgallery@gmail.com

Our Team


It is within our mission to expand our audience and team at the In Art Gallery. We are always looking for critics, artists and historians to speak about the selected work and for jurors to curate our exhibitions.

Haley Clancy Inyart


Haley Clancy Inyart is currently pursuing her Master of Fine Arts degree at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville in Studio Art with a concentration in Drawing. She received her Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Art and Design with a focus in Drawing at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. Haley had a solo exhibition at The Governor French Gallery in Belleville, IL titled ‘Fridges and Freezers’. Haley has shown work in numerous shows including, the 28th Cedarhurst Biennial Juried Exhibition, the 16th Regional Juried Exhibition at Freeport Art Museum and The Edwardsville 200th Anniversary Show at the Edwardsville Arts Center. Haley has also completed a large-scale sculpture for SIUE’s Sculpture on Campus Competition, she received the ‘Dennis De Toye' Award’ for her 8-foot sculpture of a steak which can be seen on the SIUE campus. Haley makes work about the environment and memory. Haley enjoys spending time outdoors with her dog, Jeffery.



Joseph Jesse Ovalle


Joseph Jesse Ovalle graduated from Southern Illinois University of Edwardsville with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and a minor in Art history. Joseph is a multimedia artist who references historical and contemporary art in his work to speak about topics such as: religion, politics, culture and American society. He has shown work across the United States in in various galleries, museums and educational institutions. He currently has public sculptural work up for view at Kellogg Community College, Scovill Sculpture Park, and Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. He currently lives in Bloomington, Indiana.
